USB CARD v3-f1.6
To build your own button boxes
- Up to 32 momentary bouttons (open circuit when released) by card. You can connect as many cards as you want on your computer at the same time.
- Up to 4 rotary switches, only pulse switches 1:1 (no grey code, no hexa code, no binary)
- 1 control LED for inputs feedback
- 2 10bits axis (jumper to enable)
- 5 LED connectors (potentiometer requiered to control light power)
- 1 5v supply for external hardware
- Plug’n play, no driver needed (PC, MAC)
Clic to see dimensions.
3 pages documentation (turn page on bottom)
clic here to download a pdf file copy
Solving common EMI issue with OSW or ACTUATORS systems :
Ideal solution is to send parasites outside the installation.
To do that, you need to use well grounded shielded cables on your whole system.
Why that shield must be grounded? If the motor is not grounded directly, dangerous EMP can go inside the PC by its USB connection because in this case, this is the only ground available. The worst case is destroying PC.
There is another well known issue. The motor is strong and its power supply too. They generate electromagnetic waves that cabling converts to electric signals that makes wrong messages for electronics (and so, bugs). The rule is, if lenght >1m, to put 30cm between power (220V, motor cables …) and signal (usb cables, sound, hdmi …). Also, crossing two cables of each family is made by an ideal 90° angle. So it is a good idea to separate power and signal cables both side of the installation if possible.
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