Mini Button Box (Neiman with 2keys)


Use this product to start your engine and add fun and realism to your rig 🙂
Or use it even to start your computer! (as the connectors are compatible with PC standards)

You can use any USB board with 2.54 connectors (HE, DSD, and many other USB cards with these connectors). Our one, the UC3, with its dedicated plastic box, allows you to connect 12 of this product.
Made for aluminium profile (40x40mm with 10mm groove), please see picture for sizing in gallery.

You need one extention cable every FOUR units of this product (click here). (4 neiman fit on 1 cable) You can use several black long extension cables (70cm long) to allow your to go everywhere in your cockpit with our buttons.

– a neiman
– two identical keys
– a plastic part to mount it on your rig
– the special cable small cable at the back of the neiman

Not included (clic to go):
screw and nut kit
extention cable

Black & aluminium (switch)


We made this product for the TO BE FASTER V2 cockpit (clic to open)
It can also be used with any cockpit if you can use BTR SCREW DIAMETER 8



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+USB BOARD for HSR Mini Button box+DUAL KIT++
Price for all:   60,77



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